Miscellaneous Cookie Information
How Many Cookies Will Fit In A:
(from the GSCNC cookie guide)
- Compact/2 door: 23 cases
- Hatchback or small wagon 25-30 cases
- Mid Size 6 pass van: 35 cases
- Mini Van/Blazer 60 cases
- Full Size Station Wagon: 75 cases
- Van (w/seats) 150 cases
- Van (w/o seats) 200+ cases
Cookie Variety Distribution
(according to Little Brownie Bakers, for the 1998-1999 sale):
On average for every 100 boxes sold, the results were:
- 6 Lemon Drops
- 7 Striped Chocolate Chips
- 7 Apple Cinnamons
- 9 Do-si-dos
- 13.5 Tagalongs
- 13.5 Trefoils
- 18 Samoas
- 26 Thin Mints
Weight Watchers Points for Girl Scout Cookies
- Aloha Chips (Macadamia nuts & white chocolate): 3 cookies = 4.5 points
- Thin Mints: 4 cookies = 4 points
- Trefoils (Shortbread): 4 cookies = 3 points
- Tagalongs (Chocolate & peanut butter): 2 cookies = 3.5 points
- Samoas (Coconut & Caramel): 2 cookies = 4 points
- Do-si-dos (Oatmeal Peanut Butter sandwiches): 3 cookies = 4.5 points
- Ole Ole (Mexican Wedding cookies): 5 cookies = 3 points
- All-Abouts (Shortbread & chocolate): 2 cookies = 4 points
Cookie Training Game (set up like Bingo)
(from the ABC Bakers game in 2003)
- A customer asks you to step inside and wait while she finds her wallet. Should you go in?
- While you're selling cookies door-to-door, a car pulls up and the people inside the car say they want to order cookies. Should yo take their order?
- A customer asks if he can call you later to place an order. What should you do?
- You planned on taking orders in your neighborhood with your friend, but now she can't go. Should you go by yourself?
- You are selling cookies door-to-door and you see a cute dog. Should you stop and pet it?
- A customer orders 10 cases of Thin Mints from your cookie shop and then asks you to help load the cases into his van. Should you help?
- While selling in your neighborhood you come to a crosswalk with a light. It hasn't turned in your favor yet, but no cars are coming. Should you cross?
- At a cookie shop, you are carrying on a conversation with a friendly customer. They ask you where you live. Is it OK to tell them?
- Does your parent or guardian have to know that you are going to participate in cookie sale activities?
- A customer at a cookie shop has a complaint that she would like to tell someone about. What should you do?
- You and a friend have been delivering cookies and have a lot of cash on hand from customers. Should you just keep going?
- You were about to start taking orders in your neighborhood but you just heard thunder nearby. Should you start anyway?
- You and your friend are at a cookie booth in the mall. Business is slow and you'd like to go look around in the shops. Should you?
- A customer asks you to follow them around the back of the house so she can ask her friend which cookies to order. Should you go?
- If a customer orders cookies to be delivered at a later time, what information should you share with them?
- What should you wear when you sell Girl Scout Cookies?
- A customer orders a box of Peanut Butter Sandwiches (Do-Si-Does). What can you do to increase your sale?
- For how much does your council sell each box of Girl Scout Cookies?
- A customer asks what happens to the cookie sale money you turned into your troop. What should you tell them?
- When selling cookies door-to-door a customer tells you they don't want any cookies. Should you thank them anyway?
- Order taking for your council doesn't start for two more days but you have your order card. Should you start selling?
- While you're at a cookie shop, a customer asks you which Girl Scout Cookie is your favorite. What should you tell them?
- Should you set a goal for how many cookies you want to sell?
- Can you sell Girl Scout Cookies on the Internet?
- Name one other way (besides door-to-door) to sell Girl Scout Cookies.
- What is the most popular Girl Scout Cookie?
- Your friend is allergic to peanuts. Which Girl Scout Cookies could she eat?
- A customer tells you they are trying to cut back on the amount of fat in their diet,. Which Girl Scout Cookie might e best for them?
- How many varieties of Girl Scout Cookies are Kosher?
- A customer says that her grandchildren love Girl Scout Cookies but they won't be visiting until summer. What suggestion could you make?
- No. Thank her for her thoughtfulness and explain that it is against Girl Scout safety rules to go into a customer's home while selling Girl Scout Cookies.
- No. Don't go near the car. And remember; never approach a car to sell cookies.
- Don't give anyone your telephone number, full name or address. Ask when it would be convenient for you to come back, give the phone number of a designated adult, or ask if you could telephone the customer.
- No! Don't sell cookies by yourself, even in neighborhoods you know. Girl Scouts always ust the buddy system - it's a lot safer - and a lot more fun!
- No! Always ask the owner first if you can pet their dog. You can never be sure whether a strange dog will be friendly or not.
- No. Ask the adult supervising the cookie shop to help the customer with the cookies. Never follow someone to his or her car or van.
- No, wait until the light changes. Girl Scouts should always use safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing streets.
- No. Never tell a customer where you live or give them your full name or telephone number.
- Yes. Every Girl Scout must turn in a signed parent/guardian permission slip. Also, your parent/guardian should always know your whereabouts when you are selling cookies.
- Refer her to one of the adults supervising the cookie shop.
- No, don't carry large amounts of cash around. Have arrangements already in place to turn the money over to an adult before you continue delivering cookies.
- No. Never go out when there is lightening. Wait until after the storm has passed. If you must go out when it is wet or cold, be sure to dress for the weather.
- No. Always stay at the cookie booth location. You can spend time talking about the Try-Its, badges or interest projects you are working on or other Girl Scout activities you are planning.
- NO! Do not follow anyone to another place. If someone says they have to go somewhere else for any reason, either wait where you are or tell them you will come back later.
- Let the customer know how much money they owe, when the money will be collected, and when the cookies will be delivered. And remember to always say thank you!
- To identify yourself as a Girl Scout, you should wear your Girl Scout uniform and/or your Girl Scout membership pin.
- Suggest that she try Peanut Butter Patties (Tagalongs) too!
- $4.00.
- Explain that all proceeds from each box sold benefits Girl Scouts in the local area like you - and that some of the money goes to troops like yours that are selling the cookies.
- Yes. As a Girl Scout you should always try to make a good impression. Thank every customer, even if they don't order any cookies.
- No. Practice the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Be honest and fair and wait until the sale officially starts so everyone has an equal chance at making sales.
- Be honest and suggest whichever cookie you like best. (It's a good idea to have an answer ready before you begin taking orders.)
- Yes. Research shows that girls who set goals are more successful. You can also set other kinds of goals such as learning new skills, having fun, making new friends, etc.
- No, for safety and security reasons, there is a national Girl Scout policy that no one can sell Girl Scout Cookies on the Internet at anytime. We can only use e-mail to let family/friends know about the sale.
- Cookie booths, cookie caravans, direct sales, walkabouts, corporate sales, etc. (Answers will vary.)
- Thin Mints. In fact, they represent about 1 out of every 4 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies sold each year.
- (This info is for ABC Bakers--not sure for Little Brownie) Reduced Fat Lemon Pastry Cremes, Animal Treasures, Thin Mints, Caramel deLites (Samoas), or Friendship Circles. (Shortbread is made on equipment that also processes products containing peanuts.)
- (This info is for ABC Bakers--not sure for Little Brownie) Reduced Fat Lemon Pastry Cremes.
- (This info is for ABC Bakers--not sure for Little Brownie) All of them!
- Remind her that Girl Scout Cookies freeze well.
Cookie Trivia
The first documented sale of GS cookies was in 1917 when girls in the
Mistletoe Troop in Oklahoma baked cookies and sold them in the high school
cafeteria. The first council sale was by the Greater Philadelphia Council
in 1933. A year later, GS were selling commercially baked cookies.
The National organization started licensing bakers in 1936. In 1940,
fourteen bakers throughout the country were licensed to produce Girl Scout
cookies. "Cookie Mints" (now know as thin mints) were introduced by one
of them. By 1951, thirty licensed cookie bakers supplied cookies to
councils across the nation. Today, we have two. Three varieties are
mandatory: Thin Mint, Peanut Butter Sandwich and Shortbread Trefoils.
The cookies boxes were standardized in 1978.